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World Locate Premium

Our most feature rich global place name database containing 2.5 million unique places and 3.6 million names



Our team of geographic professionals, put huge amounts of effort into ensuring the information we provide on global place names, is researched, verified and approved by a panel of internal experts.

Frequently Updated

We continuously monitor global place name changes. Once these are through our rigorous QA processes, they’ll make it into one of our quarterly updates each year.

key features

Key Features

2.5 million unique places and 3.6 million names
Latitude/longitude coordinates for all names
Geopolitical information. Country, territory or sovereign state name
1st order internal administrative division where available
2nd order internal administrative division where available
ISO 3166 country code and ISO 3166-2 admin division codes
Foreign Language Exonymns. Includes exonyms for English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic and Japanese.
Alternative place names, former names, historic names, alternative spellings
All towns classified into one of 8 administrative function types
All towns classified into one of 16 bands
Time zone information for all towns across the globe

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