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Distances from John O'Groats

Place Name Data

Our range of place name datasets are known for their authority, feature rich content and ability to enable sophisticated searching.


We use external experts, specialist organisations, official organisations, agencies, government
departments and business offices to assist in the information gathering process.


All of our database updates are thoroughly researched by our highly dedicated in-house team of
professional cartographers and geographic experts.

Foreign Language Exonymns

Foreign language exonyms (or translations) include English, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese, Russian
and Ukrainian.

World Locate

World Locate is a world gazetteer with ~3,600,000 names for ~2,600,000
unique places and a frequent update schedule.

UK & Ireland Locate

UK & Ireland Locate is a gazetteer with over 71,000 records of place names and Points of Interest (POI) covering England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.


World Locate Premium

Global place name database containing 2.5 million unique places

UK & Ireland Locate

A gazetteer of place names covering the British Isles

Want to know more?

Map showing the central belt of mainland Scotland